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Reünie Old Hickory Divisie in 1984 / Reunion Old Hickory Division in 1984

De volgende namen zijn geïdentificeerd / The following names have been identified:

SurnameFirst nameUnitRank
Abbes Henry A 117th Inf 1st Lt
Abbes Evelyn    
Allbred Robert 119th Inf Capt?
Allen June    
Ammons Ben(jamin) 117th Inf Col
Andrews Key/Kay??/    
Andrews Victor   pvt ?
Bachey Zolie (Zoltan) 117th Inf pfc
Bachey Esther    
Barrett James 117th Inf  
Barrett Hattie (??)    
Behrens Warren 119th Inf 1st Lt
Beverley Leon 30th  
Boeve C    
Bradley Ellen    
Browning George    
Browning Cecile    
Burkhart Albert   Ssgt
Ciuceyich Edward 210 FA Cpl
Clouse Leon    
Clouse Dorke    
Coogle Tom 30MP Pfc
Coogle Mary    
Carlson Roy 120th Inf T4
Carlson Ella    
Crouk/Cronk? Eugene    
Crowe Miles 120 st Inf S/Sgt
Currey Francis 120th Inf Tsgt
Dague Norman 120th Inf Pfc
Dail George   cpl
Dausen/Dansen?? Kay    
Dehrborn Ding    
Dehrborn Marion    
Digrioia Art J    
Drake Leon    
Dreger Leon 30th  
Fournia Elroy    
Golojuich Frank 117th Inf 1st Lt
Golojuich Mirte (?)    
Goodall Henry A Div Hq Col
Graham Chris 117 th Inf 1st Lt
Graham Bob w 120th Inf Pfc
Guthrie Lesley 120th Inf T5
Hanratty John J   pfc
Hanratty Claire M    
Hansen ? Carl h    
Hartsfield Jack (Bryant??)    
Hellams Robert    
Hellen R (Robert) 117th Inf  
Herndon B (Charles)    
Hilleque Robert 30th Inf  
Hilleque Marie A    
Hoesen van Carl ( Carlton)   T5
Holmes James M    
Hoperaft Harry 119th Inf Capt
Hopermann Rich 118th PA 2nd LT
Hopermann Nicole    
Houchen Wayne 119th Inf Cpl
Hunter H 197FA 1st Lt
Hunter Oliver 197 FA 1st Lt
Irvin Harry   30th rentrp
Jacobsen Jake    
Jacobsen Ses    
Jameson Robert    
Jameson Irene    
Jason Dude or leroy   Pvt
Jepsen Dick (Richard) 120Th Inf Pfc
Jepsen Wanda    
Keuls Ankie    
Killingsworth William M 117th Inf Ssgt
Killingsworth Corrie P ( Tottie)    
King Jane    
Kittle Howard (Morris)   T5
Knox David 118th Inf 1st Lt
Knox Petty    
Kuenha John 119th Inf Pfc
Kuenher Walter ( C W) Div Hqt Sgt
Kuhns Walter    
Kuhns John    
Kupfer Jack (Bryant??) 118th FA 1st Lt
Lacey Dick (Richard) 120th Inf  
Lacey Wilma    
Lalka Koleman 117 th Inf 2nd Lt
Lalka Margaret    
Loomis Clarence    
Loomis Aletha    
Lovrovich Chris 119th Inf T5
Lovrovich Betty    
Lucassen H    
Mann R M 120th Inf Pfc
Mann Hazel    
Marsh K    
Marsh J W (James) 117th Inf M/Sgt
Mathwig R B (Robert) 117th Inf Capt
Melnar E W (Ernest) 119th Inf Sgt
Miller Herbert    
Miller Eleonore    
Mills Donald 230 FA 1st Lt
MIlls Eva    
Mogan Donald 117th 30th div  
Naples Joe C 117th Inf T5
Naples Kitty    
Neill Vic    
Oleski Merritt    
Oleski Ruth    
Paulick Will P 120th Inf Ssgt
Paulick Caroline    
Pickert Pam    
Pitts Theofilus Ira ( Flip)    
Pitts Nancy Lee    
Prevoo Ruud    
Pruitt Horace    
Pruitt Tommie 120 inf Cpl
Pruitt Frank 120 Inf S/Sgt
Rathmann Thos… ( Thomas)    
Rau John    
Reaser Joe C 120th Inf Capt
Richardson Timothy    
Rieger W J 117th Inf Pfc
Rieger Clara    
Rix Harold Div Hqt Art T3
Rix Novelle    
Roberts Floyd H 30th  
Robertson George) 120th Inf T3
Robertson Guy 119 th T5
Rockenstyre Chris 117th Inf Tsgt
Santucci Lou (is) 120th Inf T4
Savard Carl E 118th FA T4
Savard Martha    
Sax John A    
Schmeckpeper Wilbert    
Severijns Leon    
Sibbald Geo(rge) 117th Inf Capt?
Simmons Buster 120th Inf Tsgt
Smith Sam    
Smith Merlin 119th Inf S/sgt
Smith Virginia    
Smith Marilou    
Solar Saul 120th Inf  
Stanford Les 119th Inf Capt
Stanford Anna    
Stephart Bud    
Stephart Loes    
Stephenson I.B. 197 FA T5
Stewart C Don 119th Inf Pfc
Stewart Gladys    
Sullivan Robert Red 117th Inf T5
Tanzella Art J 119th Inf pfc
Tann James   T4
Thompson Max 318  
Towers Frank 120st Inf 1st Lt
Towers Jolanda    
Towers Mary    
Towers Anne    
Tummers J P    
Villardi Antony Div. Art, T3
Warren Helen    
Whitley G A 117th 1st Sgt
Wijnen Wim E    
Wilder Carl H   S/Sgt
Wilkinson Grace    
Willman Mike    
Willman Helen    
Wilson Martha    
Wilson Earle F 120th Inf T sgt
Yar….. Anthony    
Yale Larry